Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Le Mo Guest-Blogs!

Hey, so I read your blog and tried to leave a comment, but it was being bitchy and crappy and wouldn’t let me leave one! The AUDACITY! Here is my comment:

Ok, so here is the actual reason why everyone chats up a storm at concerts like that. Because the tickets are cheap and it is considered "hip" to attend indy concerts, people go just to say they went. 3 quarters of the people there could care less for the music, and are really just there to be on the scene. I will give two examples of this:

The first is when I saw cat power at the knox united church. There was this little effing indy scene kid there that, throughout the show (even though it was in a church and there were seats, AKA, pews (uncomfortable as shit)) he refused to stay seated. instead he kept popping up all around the venue, being as visible as possible at all stops. My theory is that he felt if he had enough people notice him, he would never be doubted in his story that he saw her and his indy cred would remain legit. (side note, at this concert after performing about 2 songs, some obnoxious, obviously too cool for school guy,pipes up and says "WE LOVE YOU CHAN". OOOOhhhh, how cool are you, you know what her real name is! You get the awesome prize for the night! GO CHOKE ON YOUR BEARD!

My second example of this is when I saw Amy Millan at the hipster trash club known as the Hi Fi. There was this girl standing beside me throughout the show calling everyone she knew to tell them that she was at the concert and that she loved her so much! If you love her so goddamn much, get the fuck off your phone and listen to the music!

PS - I get the hypocrisy of me bitching about scenesters while naming two concerts that I was at in the process. I don't really care.

- Le Mo, Vancouver

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