Saturday, May 15, 2010

we got in! we got in!

Liz looks like a fucking dumbass with her baby blue rubber gloves on.
She says lots of people use rubber gloves and it protects your hands from hot and gross dishwater, you bitch.

That basically sums both Jess and Liz and our friendship up. We go places, do things, and talk about them.

Talk about the blog.

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Mission: Break some bread. Sip a drink or two. See a play or concert. Have an adventure. Repeat.

Jess- ugh, is this shit I'm writing too pretentious? I'm feeling like I'm trying too hard to be cool.
Liz- Aren't you always? Go to the window to finish your drink. I don't trust you near my computer.


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