Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 14/15/16 in Calgary...


Why is it always so bloody difficult for me to remember how to sign in to this blog?
7 tries later and here I am, finally committing to update about this weekends' happenings and my thoughts on them.

Friday night was an Inglewood Melrose Place (to be hereafter referred to as IMP) party.
It began with double mojitos and (shudder) tequila shots at Village Cantina. This was my second time at the Cantina and my review is as follows:
Excellent patio atmosphere (not so much for the couple sitting near us, their romantic eve was effectively ruined... meh). Hilarious wait staff with the perfect amount of sass. Delicious mojitos, high-quality tequila that doesn't burn your throat and make you want to die.
Village Catina

On Saturday morning (after somehow miraculously avoiding a hangover) I visited the Inglewood Community Garden - Cornucopia - for the first time.
The garden is beautiful, veggies of every imaginable type - some I've never even heard of. Relaxed atmosphere, amazing way to spend a sunny afternoon. Best of all - after an initial 5 hours, volunteers receive a free pound of produce for every hour in the garden - booyakasha! I feel my summer will be overflowing with garden-fresh veg. Anyone can join the garden - come join in my new favorite summer hobby (aside from drinking, obvs).

Post-Garden lunch took place at Eat! Eat! (again, in Inglewood).
Review: very friendly waitstaff, casual atmosphere, local art covers the walls, and according to Jessica the arms come off the chairs. I tried the fish tacos which were good - didn't fall apart - although my dipping sauces & salsa were all drowning in cilantro - which I notoriously hate. I won't fault Eat! Eat! for it's overuse of cilantro - some people love it. All in all - I will probably take my mom there for lunch.
Eat! Eat! on Urban Spoon

Being the domestic goddess that I am, I completely forgot I'd alluded to my friend that I would home-cook dinner for the two of us - my bad! Dinner was semi-enjoyed at an old favorite - Glory of India.
I've always enjoyed the food at G.O.I. - particularly the butter chicken - yummo! - and the highly entertaining Bollywood music videos. But this particular dining experience was horribly marred by the presence of an enormous gaggle of children. Not just children, screaming, running, hyper, insane kids. First of all - who brings their kids to restaurants? That's why babysitters exist. Secondly - if you really must bring them, do us all a favor and teach them at least the most basic of table manners (sit, elbows off the table, stfu). While the food was still just delish as ever, I'll be wary of heading back any time soon knowing that this nightmare could potentially happen again.
Glory of India

Saturday night was a concert I've been looking forward to for weeks - The Tallest Man on Earth - at The Local 522 on 6ave & 5st SW.
The last time I saw a concert at Local 522 I learned that you really have to be sitting on the right-hand side of the bar if you want to actually see anything (while it's a cool venue, not actually all that conducive for concerts). I made a huge stink to my friend about getting there early/right as the doors opened in order to ensure ourselves a table on the right. We arrived at 8:00 on the nose, and to my horror - there were no tables. I had a moment of sheer panic as I realized - "Oh frig... this is a standing concert..."
Important side-note - I tower over midgets and children at 5'3 - I hate standing concerts!
We were able to finagle a spot against the booth seating on the opposite side which provided for a just-ok view when sitting on top of the booth.
Review of concert: didn't start until later than scheduled which is always the case. I've never understood this - what else does the band have to do that night?? The opening band was ok, I couldn't really understand anything the lead singer was saying (plus I wasn't really paying attention) - so that is the worst review ever.
Tallest Man finally came on and gave an amazing live performance. Awesome stage-presence, excellent live performer. The only downfall was that he didn't play for very long - maybe an hour? Albeit his songs are all pretty short.
Another downfall of Local 522 is that it seems to be an extremely LOUD venue. For some reason people just don't shut up during the performance! Everyone continues talking, shouting at each other above the music! Confusion - the show was sold out, you needed a ticket just to get in the door, clearly everyone was there for the concert - why won't they shut up??! My theory is that the chatter is due to the fact that 3/4 of the bar can't see the stage (damn you standing concerts!).
Funny side note - there was actually a guy in the audience who was about 8ft tall.
Awkward venue aside - Tallest Man on Earth is definitely worth listening to.

There, I've finally updated *pats self on back*. Now - will anyone read this? I don't know.

I'll leave you with this - I spent Sunday afternoon with Tony Tighe, he came to my apartment, we edited, he shot a stand-up against my beautiful (100 year old) brick wall, we chatted, it was magical. Tony Tighe is a stand-up man, very polite and courteous - I would trust his consumer report any day!!

Until the next ridiculous weekend.
- Liz

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